Family Vacation with the Fujifilm x100s | Chadron State Park, Nebraska

June 26, 2015  •  2 Comments

My family and I love taking not your typical vacations. It's more us. The idea of going to Disney World or a Jamaican cruise sounds more like a nightmare to me than fun. So, this year we decided to go to Chadron, Nebraska. Yes, Nebraska--the tourist hotbed state it is not. But before you write this off as crazy, I would encourage you to take a look at Chadron State Park. For starters, it isn't the stereotypical view most people would have of Nebraska. It's rocky, full of trees with beautiful views, not cows in a cornfield. Chadron State Park is also very inexpensive. Our cabin was only 80 dollars a night. It is a cheaper option if you are wanting to see Mt. Rushmore, which is only about an hour and a half away. We had a blast. I took only one camera--the Fujifilm x100s. I feel like it's the greatest vacation camera ever made (I know the x100t could probably take that title away, but I've never tried it.) It's light--not like lugging around a heavy Canon 5d Mark III all day. It's fun to use, and the images straight out of the camera are amazing.

My Fujifilm x100s--complete with green seahorse Lensmate soft shutter release.
Quite a few of the rest areas along Interstate 80 in Nebraska have interesting sculptures. This one is just outside of Kearney, Nebraska. 
Jonah and Neeley eating lunch at a rest area in Brady, Nebraska. Neeley was doing his best Elvis impression. 
Our cabin at Chadron State Park. We stayed in the Trout Cabin or Cabin #6. I would recommend this one. It has a nice deck and great views. 
Neeley enjoying the back deck. 
The kids taking in the view.
Violet playing her guitar out on the deck. 
Violet enjoying the swing.
Violet's tree impression. 
Violet, Jonah, and Neeley decided to try and dig for diamonds. I didn't have the heart to tell them they weren't going to find any.
But they did find a ladybug. 
Roasting Marshmallows.

Yup. This is Nebraska. Beautiful view!
My beautiful wife.
Violet having a blast.
How quickly the mood of a 2 year old can change. She didn't want to get back in the van.

Entrance to Mt. Rushmore

Postcard shot.

Overly dramatic shot.

We did 20 takes, and this was the best one.
Reflection of Mt. Rushmore

Violet getting kisses from Momma.
How Mt. Rushmore was originally supposed to look like. 
Honest Abe
Violet walked the whole trail. She was determined to do it. 
Mt. Rushmore

Mt. Rushmore

My family at Mt. Rushmore 
Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota
Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota
Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota 
Bison at Wind Cave National Park
I am training them well! 
Paddle boats.  
Feeding the pony and the goat at Chadron State Park. 
The boys and Violet got their faces painted at the trading post.
Neeley is Spider Man.
Jonah is the Red Angry Bird.
Violet wants nothing to do with getting her picture taken. 
Selfie at the Fur Trade Museum 
Violet is all tuckered out at the Fur Trade Museum. 
The Fur Trade Museum
They have decent Chinese Food in Chadron, Nebraska. 
Flyover country.
Venus, Pollux, and Castor.
Sarah getting one last view of Chadron State Park. 
The kids enjoying the playground one last time. 
Pigeon at Carhenge. 

Nebraska Crazy! 
Great burgers can be had here in Hyannis, Nebraska.
So good!
Violet likes Hyannis! 
Hyannis, Nebraska


Great reportage of your family vacation. That "postcard" shot of Mount Rushmore is truly breathtaking. Wish I could go someday.
Laura Matney(non-registered)
What a great job of documenting your trip! The scenic shots of the clouds over the park are amazing. And your kids look like so much fun!
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